Association Management

How a Cancelled Event Led to a New Revenue Stream for One Nimble Organization


Finding new tricks with existing tech resulted in a huge revenue win for an association professional.

Like many organizations, the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting faced many challenges when their annual event was canceled in 2020. But unlike many organizations, the self-described “small-but-mighty” staff didn’t throw in the towel and accept their fate. They got to work.

Three Steps to Improve Staff Awareness of Your DEI Efforts


A new study reveals surprising findings about a lack of awareness among some employees of DEI efforts in their own organizations. An association pro offers three achievable ways to turn that around and improve DEI initiatives.

Many associations are committed to having diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. But a new study reveals that 16 percent of respondents didn’t even know if their workplace had a DEI program.

Get Your Board Members Up to Date With Cybersecurity


Some boards are having to manage security in a digital environment for the first time. How do you keep your association secure? A mixture of policy and technology might do the trick.

A lot of association boards are still fairly new to seeing the big picture of how technology can shape their organization. One fallout, triggered by the pandemic but not limited to it: Board members may be thinking about the group’s cybersecurity for the very first time.

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