Association Management

Technology Pro Tip: Sharing Passwords? Do So Securely


Copying and pasting passwords in chat windows is a bad idea—but it seems like everyone does it. Using password managers or single-sign-on platforms could help cut down on the insecure copying.

Because cloud-based apps have grown like weeds—from SEO tools, to social media tools, to automation apps, and even data analytics tools—associations are dealing with a lot more passwords nowadays compared to even a few years ago. The truth is, not everything necessarily needs a unique account for each user.

How to Unify Your Staff in Polarized Times


Political divides are starker than ever in the United States. That puts association leaders in a position to lead not just their staffs but their industries.

It’s election season in an odd-numbered year, which means election season is a little less stressful for most people. My ballot this year involves no elected seats, just relatively pro forma and uncontested bond measures. No campaign signs crowd busy intersections near my home, which means there are no campaign signs around to be defaced.

Five Ways to Maximize Your Event Apps


If your association has an events app but no in-person events these days, all is not lost—as long as you utilize them for ongoing engagement.

This state of affairs might sound familiar: A few years ago, you spent thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on a mobile application intended to boost engagement at your in-person events. It was used for a few days during the gathering, then forgotten until the next event.

The Elements Behind a Successful Nine-Day, Multi-Association Virtual Event


The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences typically holds an annual in-person congress that includes events for dozens of its member associations. This year, FHSS helped the groups shift to virtual, welcoming 6,200 attendees over nine days.

The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) is in a unique position. It helps its members—Canadian national associations in the humanities and social sciences—plan and host their conferences over several days at a single location.

How to prepare your members for an awesome mentoring session

Are you in charge of a budding mentorship program at your association? You’ve designed the program, recruited participants, and matched mentees with their mentors. Now you may be asking, is it time to let them go off and meet on their own or is there more you should be doing?

Many of your members are likely participating in a mentorship program for the first time, so it’s up to you to provide them with guidance and support. This will ensure that the program runs smoothly and benefits everyone involved. 

Why Associations Need to Improve Their Approach to Mental Health


A new report on mental health in the workplace finds that workers are experiencing more mental health distress. For associations looking to address the issue, it begins with leaders advocating for mental health and putting resources behind it.

Throughout the pandemic, there has been an increased focus on mental health. A new report from Mind Share Partners shows the negative impact the pandemic has had on workers’ mental health and offers some advice on how employers can help.

Membership Pro Tip: Give Members What They Want


Using data to get a better idea of member preferences helps associations provide them with a better experience and boosts engagement.

Member job titles are not always the best way to gauge their interests. To get a better picture, the United Fresh Produce Association set up a customer relationship management system to track member interests based on what emails they opened, webinars they attended, and more.

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