
How Gamification Can Help Call Centres Operate More Efficiently

At Playvox, we believe that gamification is just using data in a useful and smart way to drive people’s behaviors for the better.

You’re probably familiar with one of the most famous examples: the gamification of physical movement in Just Dance, a video game that encourages players to imitate an animated dancer on the screen. The system tracks your movements and provides feedback and points based on how well you’re keeping up. The best moves win.

Get Your Board Members Up to Date With Cybersecurity


Some boards are having to manage security in a digital environment for the first time. How do you keep your association secure? A mixture of policy and technology might do the trick.

A lot of association boards are still fairly new to seeing the big picture of how technology can shape their organization. One fallout, triggered by the pandemic but not limited to it: Board members may be thinking about the group’s cybersecurity for the very first time.

Technology Pro Tip: Sharing Passwords? Do So Securely


Copying and pasting passwords in chat windows is a bad idea—but it seems like everyone does it. Using password managers or single-sign-on platforms could help cut down on the insecure copying.

Because cloud-based apps have grown like weeds—from SEO tools, to social media tools, to automation apps, and even data analytics tools—associations are dealing with a lot more passwords nowadays compared to even a few years ago. The truth is, not everything necessarily needs a unique account for each user.

Top 5 Call Center Performance Metrics for Managers and Agents

Talkdesk’s Shauna Geraghty explores the main call centre performance metrics to be monitored by agents and managers.

Managing thousands of calls and handling thousands of questions while keeping a high standard of customer service: it may sound simple, but it’s not. It’s not always easy to keep productivity high in stressful environments. And call centres can be really stressful, especially in peak workloads and seasonal rush.

How to Unify Your Staff in Polarized Times


Political divides are starker than ever in the United States. That puts association leaders in a position to lead not just their staffs but their industries.

It’s election season in an odd-numbered year, which means election season is a little less stressful for most people. My ballot this year involves no elected seats, just relatively pro forma and uncontested bond measures. No campaign signs crowd busy intersections near my home, which means there are no campaign signs around to be defaced.

How CX Technology is Changing the Role of Contact Centre Agents

The rise of Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) models has introduced new technology that changes the role of contact centre agents.

Jake Gardiner at Odigo explores how to improve agent satisfaction and boost business results, as agents deal with evolving customer experience tech and expectations.

The modern contact centre has evolved rapidly in recent years to optimise customer experience and drive value for businesses. With that evolution has come a change in the role and status of the contact centre agent.

The Top Call Centre Agent Skills to Look for When Hiring

Shauna Geraghty at Talkdesk provides information about the recommended soft skill set and the top call centre agent skills for successful hiring.

Hiring excellent customer support agents involves selecting candidates who can effectively address a customer’s needs, work well with a team, and enhance your team’s culture. The right agents will increase customer satisfaction, enhance customer loyalty, and add value to your company.

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