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Get Your Board Members Up to Date With Cybersecurity


Some boards are having to manage security in a digital environment for the first time. How do you keep your association secure? A mixture of policy and technology might do the trick.



How Gamification Can Help Call Centres Operate More Efficiently

At Playvox, we believe that gamification is just using data in a useful and smart way to drive people’s behaviors for the better.



Technology Pro Tip: Sharing Passwords? Do So Securely


Copying and pasting passwords in chat windows is a bad idea—but it seems like everyone does it. Using password managers or single-sign-on platforms could help cut down on the insecure copying.



Top 5 Call Center Performance Metrics for Managers and Agents

Talkdesk’s Shauna Geraghty explores the main call centre performance metrics to be monitored by agents and managers.



How to Unify Your Staff in Polarized Times


Political divides are starker than ever in the United States. That puts association leaders in a position to lead not just their staffs but their industries.



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