What to Look For When Hiring a Call Center Representative

A contact center representative is literally the face of your customer support. It is one hire for which you must exercise extra caution. Here are some traits to look for when hiring a contact center representative. Contact center representatives are likely the biggest front-facing part of your customer support function. They’re the people customers will talk to, complain to, and come to for...



It’s Time to Rethink Customer Authentication

Brett Beranek at Nuance explains why it’s time to rethink customer authentication. It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month and, once more, the world is reminded that the knowledge-based authentication methods we trust to protect us aren’t up to the task. But it’s not time to call the win for the fraudsters just yet. With biometric authentication, enterprises are protecting consumers like you and me...



12 Local Marketing Tactics to Attract More Customers This Holiday Season

  Competition between businesses gets fierce during the holiday season. This means your marketing game needs to be on point if you want to steal the spotlight from your competitors and attract more customers during this busy time of year — especially if you’re a small- and medium-sized business operating on a limited budget. To help get you started, 12 professionals from Young...



10 Tips for Increasing Revenue by Improving Relationships with Employees and Customers

  Your relationships with employees and customers can make a major impact on revenue. Productive employees bring in more customers. And loyal, engaged customers spend more money. With those systems down, you can try new revenue streams and diversify your income. These tips from members of the online small business community can help with all of these factors. Deliver Excellence from...



Is Your Code of Ethics Fulfilling Its Purpose?

  Thinking about why your code of ethics exists can help you build one that matters more for members—and ensure it can adapt to the times. A code of ethics is often discussed in mechanical terms—how to build it, how to keep it up to date, and how it affects management decisions. But this document represents something intrinsic to your organization. There is more than a “how” behind...



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